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mostfuncryptogames| Jiaxun Feihong: The company participated in relevant communication guarantees for Chang'e-6

快讯摘要 佳讯飞鸿mostfuncryptogames:公司参与了嫦娥六号的相关通信保障证券时报e公司讯,佳讯飞鸿5月5日于互动平台表示,公司参与了嫦娥六号的相关通信保障。......

chainsafeunity| Buffett talks about Apple: Consumers may not be able to afford a second car, but may be able to afford a second iPhone. Apple may be the greatest product of all time

专题chainsafeunity:巴菲特2024年股东大会重磅来袭 5月4日,在巴菲特2024年股东大会上,伯克希尔哈撒韦董事长沃伦·巴菲特在谈及投资苹果时举了一个例子:你可能买得起第二部iPhone,但是不一定买得起第二辆车,第二部车的价值比第二部手机...


thematicbingomohawk: Buffett's 2024 shareholders 'meeting hits heavily When answering questions at the Berkshire shareholders '...


Newsletter summary Buffett: Berkshire's main investment will always be in the U.S. Securities Times. Buffett said...


Newsletter summary Copper prices are expected to fall first and then stabilize next week.ZyngachipsThe main force...

flyshop| HSBC executives tell shareholders that the era of major acquisitions and disposals is over

汇丰控股领导层表示,重大收购和处置时代已经结束。这是该行领导层自行政总裁祈耀年意外宣布退任以来首次面对股东。 被问及近期出售汇丰加拿大业务flyshop的问题之后,主席杜嘉祺在伦敦向投资者表示,该公司出售部分最大规模业务的时代现已结束。 “我们没有...

tubertiniatraxfeeder360| Apple's $110 billion share repurchase plan sets the largest in U.S. history

苹果公司刚刚宣布了美国有史以来最大tubertiniatraxfeeder360的股票回购计划tubertiniatraxfeeder360,表示其董事会批准了新增1,100亿美元的规模。 这一计划的宣布也标志着苹果打破了自己创下的美国股票回购金额最...

freespinvideopoker| Central Asia Earene Valley Group (00063.HK): Exercise 3.6% convertible bonds and allocate 100 million new shares

快讯摘要 5月3日freespinvideopoker,中亚烯谷集团(00063freespinvideopoker.HK 公告发行1亿股新股,以满足3.6%可换股债券的换股权行权,债券本金约3.53亿港元,到期日为2029年...

megamillionsmegaballonly| China Agricultural Outlook Conference: In 2033, meat output will be 97.64 million tons, and egg consumption will reach 36.75 million tons

快讯摘要 《中国农业展望报告(2024―2033)》预测megamillionsmegaballonly,未来10年肉类产量将增至9764万吨,猪肉产量下降至5386万吨,而禽肉和奶制品产量将持续增长。同时,大豆和玉米产量将稳...
